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Nikki Garcia's Aspects

Sun Sign Scorpio Moon Sign Gemini
Nikki Garcia
Birth Details
Monday, November 21, 1983
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
San Diego, CA, USA
32°42'N, 117°09'W


The unique angles, or aspects, that planets and other celestial objects form with each other at the moment of your birth offer a wealth of insight into your personality, natural tendencies, and life path. These aspects reveal how different energies in your chart interact, shaping your strengths, challenges, and even the timing of important events and life lessons.
Sun Semisquare Venus  Sun Semisquare Venus
Sun Sextile Mars  Sun Sextile Mars
Sun Semisextile Neptune  Sun Semisextile Neptune
Sun Semisextile Pluto  Sun Semisextile Pluto
Sun Opposite Chiron  Sun Opposite Chiron
Moon Opposite Mercury  Moon Opposite Mercury
Moon Trine Venus  Moon Trine Venus
Moon Trine Mars  Moon Trine Mars
Moon Opposite Jupiter  Moon Opposite Jupiter
Moon Quincunx Saturn  Moon Quincunx Saturn
Moon Opposite Uranus  Moon Opposite Uranus
Mercury Sextile Venus  Mercury Sextile Venus
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter  Mercury Conjunct Jupiter
Mercury Semisextile Saturn  Mercury Semisextile Saturn
Mercury Conjunct Uranus  Mercury Conjunct Uranus
Venus Sextile Jupiter  Venus Sextile Jupiter
Venus Sextile Uranus  Venus Sextile Uranus
Mars Square Neptune  Mars Square Neptune
Mars Semisextile Pluto  Mars Semisextile Pluto
Mars Trine Chiron  Mars Trine Chiron
Jupiter Semisquare Pluto  Jupiter Semisquare Pluto
Saturn Semisextile Uranus  Saturn Semisextile Uranus
Neptune Sextile Pluto  Neptune Sextile Pluto
Pluto Quincunx Chiron  Pluto Quincunx Chiron
Node Conjunct Moon  Node Conjunct Moon
Node Opposite Mercury  Node Opposite Mercury
Node Trine Venus  Node Trine Venus
Node Opposite Jupiter  Node Opposite Jupiter
Node Sesquiquadrate Pluto  Node Sesquiquadrate Pluto
Lilith Square Sun  Lilith Square Sun
Lilith Sesquiquadrate Venus  Lilith Sesquiquadrate Venus
Lilith Sextile Neptune  Lilith Sextile Neptune
Lilith Trine Pluto  Lilith Trine Pluto
Lilith Square Chiron  Lilith Square Chiron