Moon and stars

Free Birth Chart

Look to the stars. Unlock your universe.

Are you curious about what the stars reveal about you? Discover what makes you unique with a personalized astrology chart..
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What is a Birth Chart?

A birth chart, or natal chart, is like the universe's selfie at the exact moment you were born, mapping out the planetary positions that make you the person you are. The planets in your chart are like cosmic characters: the Sun is your inner superstar, the Moon is your emotional sidekick, and each planet plays its own part, from how you chat with others to what lights your fire.

These planetary positions are plotted across twelve houses, each one ruling a different area of your life, like career, relationships, or personal growth. The sign on each house cusp adds its own twist, shaping how you express those planetary energies in your everyday experiences.

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The aspects in your birth chart are the connections between these planets, showing how they interact and influence each other. These angles can reveal where you might hit a few bumps, where you’ve got some solid support, or where you’re set for some epic life lessons. A harmonious aspect might suggest a natural talent, while a more challenging one could point to areas for growth.

Together, the planets, houses, and aspects tell the story of your unique journey. Curious about what your birth chart has to say? Dive in and explore your free chart to uncover the cosmic influences that shape your life.

Birth Chart

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What is in a Birth Chart?

  • Ascendant / Rising Sign

    Your Ascendant, or Rising Sign, is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the exact moment you were born. It reflects the outer part of your personality and the first impression you make on others.

  • Sun Sign

    The Sun in your chart symbolizes your core identity, ego, and vitality. Its position in a sign highlights your fundamental personality traits and how you naturally express yourself. The house placement of the Sun indicates the area of life where you seek to shine and gain recognition. This combination reveals your primary motivations and the aspects of life where you invest your energy to fulfill your true self.

  • Moon Sign

    The Moon governs your emotions, instincts, and subconscious, reflecting your innermost needs and how you nurture yourself and others. Its sign placement reveals your emotional nature and how you respond to feelings. The house placement of the Moon indicates where you seek emotional security and fulfillment. This combination helps you understand your deepest emotional drives and where you find comfort and solace.

  • Planet / Point Positions

    Each planet represents a different aspect of your personality and life, and their positions can reveal valuable insights into your character, motivations, and potential challenges. By understanding the planetary positions in your chart, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the energies that influence your life.

  • House Cusps

    The house cusps in your chart represent the beginning of each of the twelve astrological houses, which correspond to different areas of your life. The house cusps reveal where the planets and signs are located in your chart, providing valuable insights into the specific areas of life that are most significant to you. The house cusps in your chart can give you a deeper understanding of the various aspects of your life and how they are influenced by the planets and signs.

  • Aspects

    Aspects are the geometric relationships between two planets in your chart, and they can reveal how the planets interact with each other and influence your personality and life experiences. Understanding the aspects in your chart can help you navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and develop a deeper understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. By exploring the aspects in your chart, you can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of your personality and relationships.

  • Life Path Number

    Your Life Path Number is a key element in numerology that reveals your unique personality traits, strengths, and challenges. By calculating your Life Path Number, you can gain valuable insights into your life purpose, relationships, and personal growth. Understanding your Life Path Number can help you make informed decisions, navigate challenges, and embrace your true self.

  • Elements

    The four elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water) are essential components of astrology that represent different qualities and energies. Each zodiac sign is associated with one of the four elements, which influences the sign's characteristics, behaviors, and interactions. By understanding the elements in your chart, you can gain valuable insights into your personality, relationships, and life experiences.

  • Qualities

    The three qualities (Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable) are essential components of astrology that represent different modes of expression and behavior. Each zodiac sign is associated with one of the three qualities, which influences the sign's approach to life, decision-making, and adaptability. By understanding the qualities in your chart, you can gain valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and personal growth opportunities.

  • Dualities

    The two dualities (Expressive and Receptive) are essential components of astrology that represent different directions of energy flow. Each zodiac sign is associated with one of the two dualities, which influences the sign's outward expression and receptivity to external influences. By understanding the dualities in your chart, you can gain valuable insights into your communication style, social interactions, and personal development.

Astrology Calculators

In addition to your birth chart, we offer a variety of astrology calculators that can help you gain deeper insights into your personality, relationships, and life path. Whether you're looking to explore your compatibility with a partner, understand your life path number, or learn more about your zodiac sign, our astrology calculators can help you unlock the secrets of the cosmos and discover what the stars have in store for you.

Compatibility Calculator
Discover how your cosmic energies intertwine, offering revelations about different facets of your relationship.
Ascendant Calculator
Your Ascendant represents the persona you present to the world and shapes the initial impression you leave on others.
Life Path
Life Path Number Calculator
Your Life Path Number is a distinctive number that uncovers your genuine character and highlights the opportunities and challenges you may face in life.
Sun Sign
Sun Sign Calculator
Your Sun Sign symbolizes your fundamental self, capturing the essence of your being and the qualities that characterize you.
Moon Sign
Moon Sign Calculator
Your Moon Sign reflects your emotional nature and inner being, unveiling the profound elements of your personality.