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Emma D'Arcy's Planets

Sun Sign Cancer Moon Sign Taurus
Emma D'Arcy
Birth Details
Saturday, June 27, 1992
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
London, UK
51°30'N, 00°07'W
604 604 2550 023 951 923 912 1747 1626 1753 2026 2026 837 021 1733 astrolis.com

Planets / Points

The placement of a planet or point in a sign and house reveals how its energy shapes your personality and highlights the key areas of your life that will be most impacted. Understanding these placements can give you valuable insights into your strengths, challenges, and the unique ways you interact with the world around you.
SunSun in Cancer (6° Cancer 04')
MoonMoon in Taurus (25° Taurus 50')
MercuryMercury in Leo (0° Leo 23')
VenusVenus in Cancer (9° Cancer 51')
MarsMars in Taurus (9° Taurus 23')
JupiterJupiter in Virgo (9° Virgo 12')
SaturnSaturn in Aquarius (17° Aquarius 47') Retrograde
UranusUranus in Capricorn (16° Capricorn 26') Retrograde
NeptuneNeptune in Capricorn (17° Capricorn 53') Retrograde
PlutoPluto in Scorpio (20° Scorpio 26') Retrograde
ChironChiron in Leo (8° Leo 37')
NodeNode in Capricorn (0° Capricorn 21') Retrograde
LilithLilith in Aquarius (17° Aquarius 33')