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Leo (0°Mercury23')
Emma D'Arcy
Sun Sign Cancer Moon Sign Taurus
Saturday, June 27, 1992
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
London, UK
51°30'N, 00°07'W
023  astrolis.com
Mercury dictates your communication style, intellect, and thought processes. The sign Mercury occupies shows how you think, learn, and express your ideas. Its house placement reveals the areas of life where you apply your mental energy and seek information. This combination highlights how you interact with the world intellectually and the domains of life where your communicative skills are most active.
Mercury in Leo makes for a warm yet bold communication style. Typically, you are not afraid to speak up and let your ideas take center stage. Your everyday choices are often based upon what feels pleasurable and authentic to who you are, which makes for a creative and fun-loving individual.

On the other hand, this placement can bring out a self-centered approach, causing you to prioritize your own agenda over the rest of the group. However, you are usually quite friendly and inviting in social settings, and will naturally make friends while doing the things you love.