Uranus Semisquare Moon
A current transit reveals how the current position of a planet or point interacts with your birth chart, highlighting areas where action or growth is needed.

Valorie Curry

Sun Sign Aquarius Moon Sign Aries
February 23, 2025 12:35 PM +07
Transit Uranus
23° Taurus 30'
Natal Moon
Aries 37'
2° 53'
Valorie Curry
Birth Details
February 12, 1986
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
Orange County, CA, USA
33°43'N, 117°49'W
Semisquare astrolis.com
A semisquare is a challenging aspect that indicates a conflict of energy between two planets. It is a negative aspect that indicates tension and obstacles in the areas of life that the planets represent.

This aspect occurs in your transit chart from March 13, 2021 to June 19, 2026. It will be exact at 6:57 AM EDT on March 28, 2024.


This aspect has a noticeable but not overpowering influence on your experiences. This interaction between Uranus and the Moon is present and can be felt in your life, but it doesn’t dominate your overall chart.

When transiting Uranus forms a semisquare aspect with the natal Moon, it often brings an unpredictable and erratic energy into one's emotional life. Uranus is known for its association with sudden changes, innovation, and breaking free from tradition. This planet's energy can be quite electrifying but also unsettling as it disrupts the status quo to initiate growth and transformation. The natal Moon represents emotions, instincts, and subconscious patterns. When these two energies come into a semi-square relationship, there can be tension between the desire for emotional comfort and stability (the Moon) and the need for change or rebellion (Uranus).

This aspect likely creates feelings of restlessness or emotional volatility during this period. Unpredictable moods might surface as unanticipated events shake up familiar routines or personal relationships. It's a challenging aspect because it blends Uranus' disruptive nature with the deep-seated needs represented by the Moon, making one feel unsettled or anxious without clear reason. On another note, this transit can also inspire bursts of creativity or innovative thinking related to personal matters or home life. It encourages stepping out of comfort zones emotionally but may require dealing with inner tensions before embracing these changes fully.