Moon Sextile Jupiter
A current transit reveals how the current position of a planet or point interacts with your birth chart, highlighting areas where action or growth is needed.

Valorie Curry

Sun Sign Aquarius Moon Sign Aries
February 23, 2025 10:56 AM IST
Transit Moon
Capricorn 21'
Natal Jupiter
28° Aquarius 02'
5° 19'
Valorie Curry
Birth Details
February 12, 1986
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
Orange County, CA, USA
33°43'N, 117°49'W
Sextile astrolis.com
A sextile is a harmonious aspect that indicates a flow of energy between two planets. It is a positive aspect that indicates good fortune and ease in the areas of life that the planets represent.

This aspect occurs in your transit chart from February 21 to February 23. It will be exact at 2:26 PM EST on February 22.


Although this aspect is present in your chart, it does not dominate your experiences. Its influence is more subtle and understated. This means that while this interaction between the Moon and Jupiter does have an effect on your personality and life path, it is not overwhelming or forceful.

The transit of the Moon in a sextile aspect with natal Jupiter suggests an influx of optimism and emotional well-being. The Moon governs emotions, instincts, and subconscious reactions, while Jupiter symbolizes expansion, growth, and benevolence. This harmonious aspect typically fosters a positive outlook on life and enhances one’s ability to connect with others on an emotional level. A sense of inner peace may be prevalent during this time as feelings are likely to be more balanced and cheerful.

This alignment often encourages generosity and goodwill towards others. There may be an increased desire to engage in activities that promote learning or spiritual growth because Jupiter's influence tends to expand horizons both intellectually and spiritually. Opportunities for personal development or favorable social interactions can arise, making it easier to achieve goals through collaboration and mutual support. Since the sextile is a cooperative aspect by nature, it facilitates ease in navigating life's challenges while promoting overall happiness and contentment.