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Mercury Sextile Chiron

Taylour Paige

Sun Sign Libra Moon Sign Aries
Friday, October 5, 1990
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
Santa Monica, CA, USA
34°01'N, 118°29'W
Sextile astrolis.com
A sextile is a harmonious aspect that indicates a flow of energy between two planets. It is a positive aspect that indicates good fortune and ease in the areas of life that the planets represent.

Although this aspect is present in your chart, it does not dominate your experiences. Its influence is more subtle and understated. This means that while this interaction between Mercury and Chiron does have an effect on your personality and life path, it is not overwhelming or forceful.

When you have Mercury sextile Chiron in your astrological blueprint, communication becomes a healing tool for you. This aspect suggests that you possess an innate ability to express yourself in ways that foster understanding and emotional healing. You may find it easier to articulate your thoughts and feelings, particularly around sensitive topics, allowing others to feel heard and comforted. This alignment can be quite powerful because it blends Mercury's analytical and communicative skills with Chiron's energy of healing and wisdom through experience. While this can certainly be beneficial by making you a natural mediator or counselor among friends and family, it also challenges you to stay open about your vulnerabilities. Being aware of this unique trait lets you harness the benefits while navigating any emotional hurdles with grace.