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11th House

Libra (18°40')
Sydney Sweeney
Sun Sign Virgo Moon Sign Capricorn Ascendant Scorpio
Friday, September 12, 1997
12:42 PM PDT (UTC-07:00)
Spokane, WA, USA
47°39'N, 117°25'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 1840 11 12 astrolis.com
The 11th House is the realm of friendships, social networks, and aspirations for the future. It governs your interactions with groups, your sense of belonging, and your involvement in collective activities. The sign on the cusp of your 11th House provides insights into your social ideals, your role within communities, and your long-term goals.
With a natural inclination and ability to connect with others, this is a sociable placement and you’re likely to be good at uniting and co-operating with others and enjoying their company.

With plenty of friends and acquaintances, you’re good at finding what you have in common with all of them and may often be the one bringing disparate groups together or mediating disputes. Your high ideals call you to seek out like-minded folk who share those ideals, to work on joint projects to create a fairer world.