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Libra (6°Saturn05')  7th House
Ryan Gosling
Sun Sign Scorpio Moon Sign Capricorn Ascendant Pisces
Wednesday, November 12, 1980
2:34 PM EST (UTC-05:00)
London, ON, Canada
42°59'N, 81°14'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 605  astrolis.com
Saturn symbolizes structure, discipline, and limitations, highlighting your approach to responsibility and hard work. The sign Saturn occupies reveals how you handle challenges and discipline. Its house placement indicates where you face obstacles and seek to build stability. This combination shows the areas of life where you need to exercise patience and perseverance to achieve lasting success.

When you were born, Saturn was in Libra in your 7th House. It moved into your 8th House on October 12, 1983 at 3:13 PM.

Because Saturn is a planet that represents restrictions, regulations and rules, it is no surprise that Libra is its sign of exaltation. Libra’s way of navigating the world relies on a higher, governing order of doing things, which plays nicely with Saturn’s energy. With this placement, you find a lot of stability in your relationships, because you are able to create structure with other people by setting clear expectations and boundaries for the connection.

Furthermore, Saturn’s relentless work ethic is balanced by this sign’s ability to delegate and share the burden with others. People with Saturn in this sign may find success in fields related to law or conflict resolution.

With Saturn in your seventh house, you take relationships very seriously. You are one of the most loyal and dependable people around. Even though you initially might feel a little blocked when it comes to close relationships, you become one of the most responsible and reliable partners. So much so that you might stick around far longer than necessary in an unhappy situation.

Commitment is a big deal to you, and it’s important that you find someone you can be really serious about.