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9th House

Sagittarius (3°16')
Ryan Gosling
Sun Sign Scorpio Moon Sign Capricorn Ascendant Pisces
Wednesday, November 12, 1980
2:34 PM EST (UTC-05:00)
London, ON, Canada
42°59'N, 81°14'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 316 9 10 MC 11 12 astrolis.com
This house is the gateway to exploration, higher learning, and broadening your horizons. Often called the House of Philosophy, it governs your quest for knowledge, spiritual beliefs, and long-distance travel. The sign on the cusp of your 9th House provides insights into how you seek wisdom, your attitude towards adventure and discovery, and your approach to understanding the world.
Naturally attuned to the energies of this house, you’re able to spread your wings freely here. Life is all about the journey, whether you are exploring the world around you or expanding your inner vision learning about different philosophies and belief systems.

As long as you have a sense of freedom and the ability to keep growing, you embrace life in all its glory and everything is a learning opportunity. You carry strong teacher energy and are able to share your wisdom and inspire others on their own explorations.