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Libra (11°Venus47')
Mia Goth
Sun Sign Scorpio Moon Sign Pisces
Monday, October 25, 1993
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
Southwark, London, UK
51°30'N, 00°05'W
1147  astrolis.com
Venus symbolizes love, beauty, and harmony, reflecting your approach to relationships and what you value aesthetically. The sign Venus occupies describes your romantic inclinations and attractions. Its house placement indicates where you seek pleasure, affection, and creative expression. This combination reveals how you experience love and beauty and the areas of life where you find joy and satisfaction.
Libra is Venus’ sign of rulership, as it brings out the natural ability to form partnerships based on trust and honesty. People with this placement typically are very devoted to their partners and seek out others who can reciprocate their level of commitment. You care very deeply for the people in your life, but you are also clear on your own boundaries and needs.

In general, this combination has a strong appreciation for balance and order, and you are more than willing to hear the opposite perspective if it means reaching a compromise. Overall, you place a lot of value on things that are symmetrical, complementary and/or aesthetically appealing.