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Capricorn (18°Neptune33')
Mia Goth
Sun Sign Scorpio Moon Sign Pisces
Monday, October 25, 1993
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
Southwark, London, UK
51°30'N, 00°05'W
1833  astrolis.com
Neptune governs dreams, intuition, and spirituality, reflecting your connection to the mystical and the imaginative. The sign Neptune occupies reveals your spiritual inclinations and creative vision. Its house placement indicates where you seek to transcend reality and connect with the ethereal. This combination shows the areas of life where you are most intuitive and where you seek to dissolve boundaries for a deeper understanding.
Capricorn tends to impose too much structure on Neptunes’s natural flow. This sign has such a practical approach to life that it can have a difficult time entertaining the lofty idealism of Neptune. Therefore, you may have a hard time warming up to ideas that don’t immediately make sense from a logical perspective, sometimes causing you to close the door on your dreams.

However, if you can stay true to your higher calling, you may find that your logical outlook allows you to actually turn your dreams into reality.