The position of a planet or point at the time your were born represents a core energy that influences your personality and life path.
Marilyn Monroe
June 1, 1926
9:30 AM PST
28° 59'
Birth Details
June 1, 1926
9:30 AM PST (UTC-08:00)
Los Angeles, CA, USA
34°03'N, 118°14'W
Tropical Placidus
Uranus represents innovation, rebellion, and sudden change, reflecting your desire for individuality and freedom. The sign Uranus occupies shows how you express originality and unconventionality. Its house placement indicates where you experience disruptions and seek to innovate. This combination highlights the areas of life where you challenge the status quo and embrace new possibilities.
When you were born, Uranus was
in Pisces in your 8th House.
It moved into Aries on March 31, 1927 at 9:23 AM UTC and moved into your 9th House on March 29, 1928 at 5:48 AM UTC.
As a mutable water sign, Pisces encourages Uranus to experiment with new forms of spiritual and artistic expression. With this placement, you may feel as though you are always arriving at new conclusions about the way you feel and what it reveals about the larger context of the universe.
For this reason, you may have a very rational way of dissecting the mystery of life, which can sometimes make you feel frustrated when you don’t understand why fate plays out the way it does. Overall, your generation is likely to revolutionize the way the human race conceives of spirituality and the overall meaning of life.
With Uranus in your eighth house, your life is all about extremes and intense transformations. Chaos seems to take you to places where you can experience great change and personal evolution. Whenever something unpredictable happens in your life, you can count on a powerful opportunity for personal growth.
One minute you are at the top the world and next minute you have hit rock bottom. Be careful of changing just for the sake of change. It may feel thrilling, but you could destroy what you have been working so hard towards in the process.
The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
When your birth time is unknown, it significantly impacts the accuracy and detail of a birth chart for several reasons:
Ascendant Sign Unknown: The Ascendant (or Rising Sign) is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. It's crucial for determining the houses in a chart. Without a birth time, the Ascendant cannot be accurately determined.
House Positions Uncertain: Astrological houses represent different areas of life and are calculated based on the time of birth. Without a birth time, the placement of planets in houses cannot be determined, which affects interpretations related to aspects of life like career, relationships, and personal growth.
Moon Sign Ambiguity: While the Moon sign can often be determined without a birth time, if the birth occurred on a day the Moon changed signs, the exact sign may be uncertain without the birth time.
Aspect Angles May Vary: Precise angles (aspects) between planets can indicate specific dynamics and themes in a person's life. Without a birth time, the accuracy of these angles can be compromised, especially for fast-moving planets.