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Leo (26°Jupiter52')  12th House
Kenny Chesney
Sun Sign Aries Moon Sign Pisces Ascendant Virgo
Tuesday, March 26, 1968
3:55 PM EST (UTC-05:00)
Knoxville, TN, USA
35°57'N, 83°55'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 2652  astrolis.com
Jupiter governs growth, expansion, and optimism, reflecting your approach to learning and seeking opportunities. The sign Jupiter occupies reveals how you embrace growth and your philosophical outlook. Its house placement shows where you seek expansion and good fortune. This combination indicates where you find luck and abundance and how you pursue personal and intellectual growth.

When you were born, Jupiter was in retrograde in your 12th House. It moved into your 1st House on June 18, 1968 at 3:05 PM.

With Jupiter is in Leo, you take a lot of interest in exploring your creativity. This combination knows no limits when it comes to self-expression. You may naturally take to the arts, as you need to have open terrain to explore who you are.

To you, the most important part of life is recreation and play. This is what allows you to find the deeper meaning in your everyday routine. At times, this placement may struggle to feel inspired to do things that don’t feel immediately pleasurable.

With Jupiter in your twelfth house, the spiritual and intuitive side of your personality is incredibly strong. You are drawn to help others using your wonderful gifts of healing. Being sensitive and compassionate makes it easy for people to trust you and gives you an edge to help heal those who are in pain.

When you help others, you become blessed in ways you could never imagine. One of your missions in life is to guide people to reach greater spiritual awareness. It can be difficult for you to put yourself first, but it is important for you to learn the balance of giving and taking.


The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
Uranus Semisextile Jupiter  Jupiter Semisextile Uranus
Neptune Square Jupiter  Jupiter Square Neptune
AC Conjunct Jupiter  Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant
MC Square Jupiter  Jupiter Square Midheaven