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Sagittarius (6°Venus32')  1st House
Katy Perry
Sun Sign Scorpio Moon Sign Scorpio Ascendant Scorpio
Thursday, October 25, 1984
7:58 AM PDT (UTC-07:00)
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
34°25'N, 119°41'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 632  astrolis.com
Venus symbolizes love, beauty, and harmony, reflecting your approach to relationships and what you value aesthetically. The sign Venus occupies describes your romantic inclinations and attractions. Its house placement indicates where you seek pleasure, affection, and creative expression. This combination reveals how you experience love and beauty and the areas of life where you find joy and satisfaction.

When you were born, Venus was in Sagittarius in your 1st House. It moved into your 2nd House on October 28, 1984 at 2:56 AM.

Sagittarius is a very optimistic yet scattered look for Venus. People with this placement often approach relationships as learning opportunities, rather than lifelong commitments. You may find yourself easily bored with another person if you do not feel challenged to grow. Similarly, you may seek out partners purely for the adventure and thrill of it, and then later decide you actually want something else once the excitement has passed.

Finally, you may also have the tendency to over promise or even overspend beyond your means because you want to do it all. Overall, Sagittarius gives Venus the freedom to explore its desires, though things can quickly get blown out of proportion.

With Venus in your first house, you are a beautiful, charming and pleasing person to be around. At least most of the time. These are just some of your highly likable qualities. You can be quite direct and spontaneous in love. You know your value and when to put yourself first.

You know what you want, especially when it comes to relationships. People are often drawn to your kind and gracious attitude. You are a pleasure to be around. You know the importance of making an impact and you are seen as someone who is loyal, dedicated and has a deep love for people.


The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
Jupiter Semisextile Venus  Venus Semisextile Jupiter
Uranus Conjunct Venus  Venus Conjunct Uranus
Chiron Opposite Venus  Venus Opposite Chiron