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Aquarius (6°Mercury14')  6th House
Kate Middleton
Sun Sign Capricorn Moon Sign Cancer Ascendant Leo
Saturday, January 9, 1982
7:00 PM GMT (UTC+00:00)
Reading, UK
51°27'N, 00°58'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 614  astrolis.com
Mercury dictates your communication style, intellect, and thought processes. The sign Mercury occupies shows how you think, learn, and express your ideas. Its house placement reveals the areas of life where you apply your mental energy and seek information. This combination highlights how you interact with the world intellectually and the domains of life where your communicative skills are most active.

When you were born, Mercury was in Aquarius in your 6th House. It moved into your 7th House on March 6, 1982 at 12:49 PM.

People with Mercury in Aquarius are usually very high-level thinkers and have an eccentric style of communication, as they may use words or phrases that stand out as quirky or unique.

You are a natural problem-solver and are able to factor in all moving parts of the picture before jumping to a conclusion. Typically, you make decisions based on the common good of everyone involved, though this can sometimes make you a bit too idealistic in nature. Overall, this combination makes for an individual who is highly sociable, especially when you are with others who share similar dreams and interests.

With Mercury in your sixth house, practical usefulness is one of your best qualities. Your mind is organized and easily focused. Acquiring knowledge and information comes naturally to you and you’re likely to find yourself in the role of problem solver. Once you have all the facts, you know exactly what to do with them.

You are an observer, and this makes it possible for you to make very clear and thoughtful decisions. You can be hypercritical at times, but this is because you’re vigilant and want things to be in order. Beware of overanalyzing and overthinking, as this can quickly lead to anxiety and stress. Remind yourself that not everything needs to be overanalyzed.


The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
Venus Conjunct Mercury  Mercury Conjunct Venus
Mars Trine Mercury  Mercury Trine Mars
Jupiter Square Mercury  Mercury Square Jupiter
Uranus Sextile Mercury  Mercury Sextile Uranus
MC Square Mercury  Mercury Square Midheaven