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Libra (1°Neptune30')  10th House
Joe Biden
Sun Sign Scorpio Moon Sign Taurus Ascendant Sagittarius
Friday, November 20, 1942
8:30 AM EWT (UTC-04:00)
Scranton, PA, USA
41°24'N, 75°39'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 130  astrolis.com
Neptune governs dreams, intuition, and spirituality, reflecting your connection to the mystical and the imaginative. The sign Neptune occupies reveals your spiritual inclinations and creative vision. Its house placement indicates where you seek to transcend reality and connect with the ethereal. This combination shows the areas of life where you are most intuitive and where you seek to dissolve boundaries for a deeper understanding.

When you were born, Neptune was in Libra in your 10th House. It moved into your 11th House on October 31, 1951 at 1:32 PM.

When Neptune is in Libra, it can make the natural order of things seem more confusing than it actually is. This placement can also make relationship boundaries feel very blurry. Though this is a highly empathic combination, you sometimes have a difficult time separating your own reality from your partner’s.

You tend to be very receptive to other people and at times can be too forgiving. You must learn how to relate to others without losing sight of your own hopes and dreams. You can also have a hard time making decisions or taking a definitive stance.

With Neptune in your tenth house, you are inspiring and creative. Your want your career to contribute to making the world a better place. Somehow you know exactly what the world needs. You have an insight and understanding that shapes the way you approach your life.

Instead of going after success, you follow your passion. This could be in a creative or spiritual field. You project an image of yourself that is far removed from who you actually are or where you have come from. You are great at making people think you are something you are not. There is a public image attached to you that isn’t necessarily the reality.


The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
AC Sextile Neptune  Neptune Sextile Ascendant