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Virgo (19°Venus51')
Glen Powell
Sun Sign Libra Moon Sign Pisces
Friday, October 21, 1988
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
Austin, TX, USA
30°16'N, 97°44'W
1951  astrolis.com
Venus symbolizes love, beauty, and harmony, reflecting your approach to relationships and what you value aesthetically. The sign Venus occupies describes your romantic inclinations and attractions. Its house placement indicates where you seek pleasure, affection, and creative expression. This combination reveals how you experience love and beauty and the areas of life where you find joy and satisfaction.
As her fallen sign, Virgo is too analytical for Venus’ own good. Instead of being able to feel emotions freely and take them for what they are, this placement demands a logical explanation for everything. You tend to place so much value on the details that you forget what is truly significant in the long run.

You may have the tendency to pick yourself and others apart, as you have a hard time accepting imperfection. You cannot stand feeling emotions that are messy and confusing, which often causes you to shut down before you can reach a place of true understanding.