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Sagittarius (19°Uranus42')  4th House
Sun Sign Scorpio Moon Sign Cancer Ascendant Leo
Friday, October 24, 1986
2:31 AM EDT (UTC-04:00)
Toronto, ON, Canada
43°39'N, 79°22'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 1942  astrolis.com
Uranus represents innovation, rebellion, and sudden change, reflecting your desire for individuality and freedom. The sign Uranus occupies shows how you express originality and unconventionality. Its house placement indicates where you experience disruptions and seek to innovate. This combination highlights the areas of life where you challenge the status quo and embrace new possibilities.

When you were born, Uranus was in Sagittarius in your 4th House. It moved into your 5th House on January 23, 1988 at 11:14 PM.

Sagittarius can be an invigorating placement for Uranus in many ways because it is very receptive to how quickly Uranus jumps from one idea to the next. People who have this combination always seem to change their philosophies about life, which can make you very open-minded and accepting of ideas that challenge your existing truths.

You view travel and education as opportunities to innovate a completely new outlook on life, though you may have a difficult time sticking with a longer-term plan for development. Your generation will often revolutionize cultural values, belief systems and higher education.

With Uranus in your fourth house, constant change is what you come to expect from your life at home. Home is more of a transitory kind of space for you, never quite settling down. But this gives you the adaptability to make wherever you find yourself a home.

Your family is likely full of eccentric types. The lot of you don’t always like to fit the status quo. Or, at the very least, you might be the odd one out in the family and struggle to fit in.


The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
Pluto Semisquare Uranus  Uranus Semisquare Pluto
Chiron Opposite Uranus  Uranus Opposite Chiron