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Aquarius (8°Mars48')  6th House
Sun Sign Scorpio Moon Sign Cancer Ascendant Leo
Friday, October 24, 1986
2:31 AM EDT (UTC-04:00)
Toronto, ON, Canada
43°39'N, 79°22'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 848  astrolis.com
Mars represents your drive, aggression, and physical energy. The sign Mars occupies shows how you assert yourself and pursue your desires. Its house placement indicates where you take action and assert your will. This combination highlights your approach to challenges and the areas of life where you are most dynamic and proactive.

When you were born, Mars was in Aquarius in your 6th House. It moved into your 7th House on November 25, 1986 at 5:31 PM.

When Mars is in Aquarius, it is quite the egalitarian. Thus, individuals with this combination are usually deeply passionate about social causes, as they are motivated by values such as equality and acceptance. You will often overlook your own interests if it will lead to a better outcome for the group.

Your primary drive is to bring people together and feel a sense of community around you. When you are upset, sometimes you try to over rationalize and depersonalize your anger, which can add more fuel to your frustrations in the long run. You may find yourself attracted to eccentric people who are independent thinkers but still have a friendly and inviting presence.

With Mars in your sixth house, high standards are something you are determined to live up to. You put all your energy into your work because you want to do well and feel like you are accomplishing great things. You pour every drop of passion you have into the work you do.

Dedication is one of the keys to your unwavering success. You have a fantastic eye for details. Nothing goes unnoticed with your observant eye, plus it helps that you’re so organized and efficient. You’re keen to help others and make their lives a little easier to manage. It is important to you to feel like your work has meaning, otherwise you simply wouldn’t do it.


The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
Saturn Sextile Mars  Mars Sextile Saturn
Pluto Square Mars  Mars Square Pluto