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Cancer (23°Saturn48')  11th House
Donald Trump
Sun Sign Gemini Moon Sign Sagittarius Ascendant Leo
Friday, June 14, 1946
10:54 AM EDT (UTC-04:00)
Queens, NY, USA
40°43'N, 73°47'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 2348  astrolis.com
Saturn symbolizes structure, discipline, and limitations, highlighting your approach to responsibility and hard work. The sign Saturn occupies reveals how you handle challenges and discipline. Its house placement indicates where you face obstacles and seek to build stability. This combination shows the areas of life where you need to exercise patience and perseverance to achieve lasting success.

When you were born, Saturn was in Cancer in your 11th House. It moved into your 12th House on August 16, 1946 at 11:49 AM.

In its detriment sign of Cancer, Saturn finds the cardinal water sign to be much too emotionally turbulent for its steady, even keeled demeanor. People with this combination may feel the need to control, or even suppress, their feelings in order to feel secure. You may also find a direct link between your financial and/or professional stability and your emotional state.

If you feel up for the challenge, you can execute the hard work that Saturn demands. The tricky part is that Saturn expects consistency, and it is hard to stay consistent when there isn’t a solid foundation in place. You may find that you do best in career fields related to art, early education or therapy.

With Saturn in your eleventh house, friendships can sometimes be hard to come by because you take them so seriously. You tend to have very high standards for the people in your circle. You tend to attract mature and serious people in your life.

Alone time is very important for your happiness. You need to remove yourself from society to get some perspective, especially when it feels like you are losing your freedom or individuality. Your biggest hurdle comes from needing to accept the differences between you and others.


The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
MC Sextile Saturn  Saturn Sextile Midheaven