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Sagittarius (28°Sun22')
Sun Sign Sagittarius Moon Sign Cancer
Tuesday, December 20, 1994
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
Miami, FL, USA
25°45'N, 80°11'W
2822  2822  astrolis.com
The Sun in your chart symbolizes your core identity, ego, and vitality. Its position in a sign highlights your fundamental personality traits and how you naturally express yourself. The house placement of the Sun indicates the area of life where you seek to shine and gain recognition. This combination reveals your primary motivations and the aspects of life where you invest your energy to fulfill your true self.
You are highly valued for your optimism and sense of humor. Your upbeat nature is what draws others towards you. The Sun in Sagittarius brings out a personality that is optimistic, curious and adventurous. You are very invested in your long-term spiritual and intellectual development, which explains why you are always looking for an opportunity to explore the world around you.

A large part of your identity rests in your system of beliefs, which may cause you to take an interest in learning about different religions and cultures. Though at times you may come across as distracted or inconsistent, it is simply because you are consistently challenging yourself to grow beyond what you have already done.


The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
Mercury Conjunct Sun  Sun Conjunct Mercury
Venus Semisquare Sun  Sun Semisquare Venus
Mars Trine Sun  Sun Trine Mars
Pluto Semisextile Sun  Sun Semisextile Pluto
Chiron Square Sun  Sun Square Chiron