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Aries (28°Saturn20')
Daisy Edgar-Jones
Sun Sign Gemini Moon Sign Taurus
Sunday, May 24, 1998
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
London, UK
51°30'N, 00°07'W
2820  astrolis.com
Saturn symbolizes structure, discipline, and limitations, highlighting your approach to responsibility and hard work. The sign Saturn occupies reveals how you handle challenges and discipline. Its house placement indicates where you face obstacles and seek to build stability. This combination shows the areas of life where you need to exercise patience and perseverance to achieve lasting success.
With Saturn in the sign of Aries, you have the tendency to make things that should be exciting and fresh feel traditional and overly structured. This can cause you to be very rigid about who you are and your path in life. You may feel the need to conform your personality to what is accepted by society, rather than embrace the qualities that make you stand out.

At times, you can take yourself too seriously and may take on too much work independently, as you can have a hard time relying on others for help. This can be a good combination for leadership, though sometimes it can result in overbearing behaviors.