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Lilith Quincunx Moon

Daisy Edgar-Jones

Sun Sign Gemini Moon Sign Taurus
Sunday, May 24, 1998
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
London, UK
51°30'N, 00°07'W
Quincunx astrolis.com
A quincunx is a challenging aspect that indicates a conflict of energy between two planets. It is a negative aspect that indicates tension and obstacles in the areas of life that the planets represent.

This aspect has a noticeable but not overpowering influence on your experiences. This interaction between Lilith and the Moon is present and can be felt in your life, but it doesn’t dominate your overall chart.

When your Lilith forms a quincunx aspect with your Moon, it creates an intricate and often challenging interplay between your emotional world and your primal instincts. The Moon governs emotions, intuition, and nurturing qualities, while Lilith represents the untamed, rebellious side of femininity and raw power. This aspect can make you feel a constant tug-of-war within yourself, where deep-seated desires clash with emotional needs. You may struggle to find balance between embracing your wild nature and maintaining emotional harmony. Although this dynamic can be taxing, it also provides profound opportunities for personal growth by compelling you to integrate these seemingly opposing forces into a more cohesive self-understanding.