Saturn Sextile Sun
A current transit reveals how the current position of a planet or point interacts with your birth chart, highlighting areas where action or growth is needed.

Cynthia Erivo

Sun Sign Capricorn Moon Sign Taurus
February 5, 2025 3:41 PM EST
Transit Saturn
17° Pisces 57'
Natal Sun
17° Capricorn 39'
0° 17'
Cynthia Erivo
Birth Details
January 8, 1987
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
London, England, GBR
51°30'N, 00°07'W
Sextile astrolis.com
A sextile is a harmonious aspect that indicates a flow of energy between two planets. It is a positive aspect that indicates good fortune and ease in the areas of life that the planets represent.

This aspect occurs in your transit chart from March 19, 2024 to March 21, 2025. It will be exact at 12:20 AM EST on February 3.


This aspect is a prominent force in your life, shaping you in noticeable and impactful ways. The interaction between Saturn and the Sun is powerful and clear, making the themes and energies associated with this aspect significant and influential.

Transiting Saturn in a sextile aspect with the Sun brings a time of stability and maturity. This transit provides an opportunity to harness discipline and hard work, leading to significant achievements. The influence of Saturn encourages taking responsibilities seriously, while the Sun's energy promotes confidence and vitality. Together, these energies create a balanced atmosphere where goals can be pursued with determination and clarity.

This aspect is particularly powerful because it combines Saturn's structured approach with the Sun's creative expression. It's not just about working hard; it's about working smartly and efficiently. Challenges may arise, but they won't feel overwhelming due to the supportive nature of this sextile aspect. Instead, obstacles are seen as manageable tasks that can be systematically tackled. This period is ideal for setting long-term plans into action, gaining recognition for efforts, or solidifying one's position in various aspects of life such as career or personal projects.