Birth Chart
Lilith Opposite Neptune
A natal aspect reveals how the planets and points in your birth chart interact with each other, shaping key themes in your personality and life journey.

Cynthia Erivo

Sun Sign Capricorn Moon Sign Taurus
January 8, 1987
Natal Lilith
Cancer 08'
Natal Neptune
Capricorn 58'
0° 49'
Cynthia Erivo
Birth Details
January 8, 1987
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
London, England, GBR
51°30'N, 00°07'W
An opposition is a challenging aspect that indicates a conflict of energy between two planets. It is a negative aspect that indicates tension and obstacles in the areas of life that the planets represent.

This aspect is a dominant force shaping your personality and life path. The interaction between Lilith and Neptune is intense and unmistakable, bringing the associated themes and energies to the forefront of your life.

Lilith opposite Neptune can make you feel a bit like you're always searching for something elusive, almost like chasing a dream that keeps slipping through your fingers. Lilith's energy is wild and untamed, while Neptune brings in a foggy, mystical vibe, making it hard to see things clearly. This aspect can give you strong intuition and creativity but might also lead to confusion or idealizing situations and people. It’s powerful because it taps into deep emotional currents within you, sometimes making reality feel less solid. You might find yourself drawn to the mysterious or the spiritual but need to be careful of illusions or self-deception.