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Sagittarius (11°Jupiter00')
Botic van de Zandschulp
Sun Sign Libra Moon Sign Aquarius
Wednesday, October 4, 1995
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
Wageningen, Netherlands
51°58'N, 05°39'E
1100  astrolis.com
Jupiter governs growth, expansion, and optimism, reflecting your approach to learning and seeking opportunities. The sign Jupiter occupies reveals how you embrace growth and your philosophical outlook. Its house placement shows where you seek expansion and good fortune. This combination indicates where you find luck and abundance and how you pursue personal and intellectual growth.
When Jupiter is placed in Sagittarius, his sign of rulership, it brings an adventurous, curious and free-spirited energy to the chart. You are not afraid to experience life for what it is, even if that means making a few mistakes along the way. No matter how hard things get, you have the ability to always find the meaning underneath your struggles and stay optimistic about the future.

You are highly conscious of your own personal evolution, and you are always challenging yourself to find new ways to grow and heal. You are usually have very good judgement, as you are a natural learner who strives to turn your knowledge into wisdom.


The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
Uranus Semisquare Jupiter  Jupiter Semisquare Uranus