Pluto Semisquare Uranus
A current transit reveals how the current position of a planet or point interacts with your birth chart, highlighting areas where action or growth is needed.

Betty Gilpin

Sun Sign Cancer Moon Sign Capricorn
February 23, 2025 1:55 AM AST
Transit Pluto
Aquarius 43'
Natal Uranus
18° Sagittarius 54'
1° 11'
Betty Gilpin
Birth Details
July 21, 1986
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
New York, NY, USA
40°42'N, 74°00'W
Semisquare astrolis.com
A semisquare is a challenging aspect that indicates a conflict of energy between two planets. It is a negative aspect that indicates tension and obstacles in the areas of life that the planets represent.

This aspect ends on April 4, 2027.


This aspect plays a significant role in shaping your experiences without overwhelming them. The interaction between Pluto and Uranus is clear and impactful, providing distinct themes and energies that are actively present in your life.

Transiting Pluto in a semisquare aspect with Uranus can stir up some intense and transformative energies. Pluto represents deep transformation, power, and the uncovering of hidden truths, while Uranus embodies sudden change, rebellion, and innovation. When these two planets interact in this challenging aspect, it often leads to unexpected disruptions that push for profound changes. This transit can bring about situations where one feels compelled to break free from old patterns or structures that no longer serve a purpose.

The semisquare is considered a minor but potent aspect that creates friction and tension. It’s an opportunity for growth through overcoming obstacles. The influence of this transit might make someone feel restless or impatient with the status quo, driving them to seek new ways of thinking or living. While it may be uncomfortable at times due to the pressure for change, embracing this energy can lead to significant personal evolution and breakthroughs in understanding oneself on a deeper level.