A natal aspect reveals how the planets and points in your birth chart interact with each other, shaping key themes in your personality and life journey.
Betty Gilpin
July 21, 1986
Natal Lilith
16° 01'
Natal Moon
29° 12'
1° 49'
Birth Details
July 21, 1986
Birth time unknown
More information about birth time unknown
New York, NY, USA
40°42'N, 74°00'W
A sesquiquadrate is a challenging aspect that indicates a conflict of energy between two planets. It is a negative aspect that indicates tension and obstacles in the areas of life that the planets represent.
This aspect plays a significant role in shaping your experiences without overwhelming them. The interaction between Lilith and the Moon is clear and impactful, providing distinct themes and energies that are actively present in your life.
This aspect means that deep feelings and inner emotional world can sometimes clash with a desire for independence or rebellion. You might feel an inner push-pull between wanting to be close to others and needing your own space. This tension can lead you to powerful self-discovery and understanding of your deeper desires. Through this, you can learn resilience by balancing your need for emotional security with the urge for freedom. Embracing these challenges helps you grow stronger emotionally, making it easier to stand up for yourself while still caring deeply about those around you.
Birth time Unknown
When your birth time is unknown, it significantly impacts the accuracy and detail of a birth chart for several reasons:
Ascendant Sign Unknown: The Ascendant (or Rising Sign) is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. It's crucial for determining the houses in a chart. Without a birth time, the Ascendant cannot be accurately determined.
House Positions Uncertain: Astrological houses represent different areas of life and are calculated based on the time of birth. Without a birth time, the placement of planets in houses cannot be determined, which affects interpretations related to aspects of life like career, relationships, and personal growth.
Moon Sign Ambiguity: While the Moon sign can often be determined without a birth time, if the birth occurred on a day the Moon changed signs, the exact sign may be uncertain without the birth time.
Aspect Angles May Vary: Precise angles (aspects) between planets can indicate specific dynamics and themes in a person's life. Without a birth time, the accuracy of these angles can be compromised, especially for fast-moving planets.