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Mercury Sextile Midheaven

Angelina Jolie

Sun Sign Gemini Moon Sign Aries Ascendant Cancer
Wednesday, June 4, 1975
9:09 AM PDT (UTC-07:00)
Los Angeles, CA, USA
34°03'N, 118°14'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 Sextile astrolis.com
A sextile is a harmonious aspect that indicates a flow of energy between two planets. It is a positive aspect that indicates good fortune and ease in the areas of life that the planets represent.

Although this aspect is present in your chart, it does not dominate your experiences. Its influence is more subtle and understated. This means that while this interaction between Mercury and Midheaven does have an effect on your personality and life path, it is not overwhelming or forceful.

Mercury in a sextile aspect with your Midheaven gives you strong communication skills, which can positively influence your career and public image. This aspect makes it easier for you to express your ideas clearly and persuasively, helping you make good connections in professional settings. You could find yourself naturally drawn to careers where speaking, writing, or other forms of communication are important. This sextile is a harmonious aspect, meaning it's more beneficial than challenging, supporting smooth interactions and thoughtful planning related to your ambitions. Use these strengths to confidently pursue opportunities that let you shine through your words and ideas.