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Lilith Sesquiquadrate Venus

Angelina Jolie

Sun Sign Gemini Moon Sign Aries Ascendant Cancer
Wednesday, June 4, 1975
9:09 AM PDT (UTC-07:00)
Los Angeles, CA, USA
34°03'N, 118°14'W
Tropical Placidus
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 Sesquiquadrate astrolis.com
A sesquiquadrate is a challenging aspect that indicates a conflict of energy between two planets. It is a negative aspect that indicates tension and obstacles in the areas of life that the planets represent.

This aspect plays a significant role in shaping your experiences without overwhelming them. The interaction between Lilith and Venus is clear and impactful, providing distinct themes and energies that are actively present in your life.

With Lilith in a sesquiquadrate aspect with Venus, you might feel a strong pull between your desires for love and beauty and your deeper, more primal instincts. This aspect can create tension, making it challenging to harmonize your romantic ideals with raw emotions. You could experience intense attractions or complicated relationships where power dynamics play a significant role. The sesquiquadrate is known for bringing friction that pushes you to grow; it's not the easiest energy to navigate but can lead to profound personal insights. The blend of Venus's charm and Lilith's fierce independence often makes you magnetic yet mysterious in social settings. Balancing these energies may take some effort, but it also adds depth and complexity to your interactions.