Birth Chart

Natal Jupiter
The position of a planet or point at the time your were born represents a core energy that influences your personality and life path.
Alexei Popyrin


August 5, 1999
Birth Details
August 5, 1999
Birth time unknown
More information about birth time unknown
Sydney NSW, Australia
33°52'S, 151°12'E
Jupiter governs growth, expansion, and optimism, reflecting your approach to learning and seeking opportunities. The sign Jupiter occupies reveals how you embrace growth and your philosophical outlook. Its house placement shows where you seek expansion and good fortune. This combination indicates where you find luck and abundance and how you pursue personal and intellectual growth.
When you were born, Jupiter was
in Taurus.
It moved into Aries on October 23, 1999 at 5:49 AM UT/GMT.
Jupiter in Taurus requires a lot of time and hands-on experience to move forward. Individuals with this placement believe that slow and steady wins the race. Although you may require some extra patience, people can always count on you to do the proper research and training before you dive in.
You are able to find adventure in the simple moments, which sometimes can cause you to forget how big the world really is. At times, you may feel that going beyond your comfort zone is daunting, but if you push through this reluctance, you will find that your efforts are quite fruitful.
The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
When your birth time is unknown, it significantly impacts the accuracy and detail of a birth chart for several reasons:
Ascendant Sign Unknown: The Ascendant (or Rising Sign) is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. It's crucial for determining the houses in a chart. Without a birth time, the Ascendant cannot be accurately determined.
House Positions Uncertain: Astrological houses represent different areas of life and are calculated based on the time of birth. Without a birth time, the placement of planets in houses cannot be determined, which affects interpretations related to aspects of life like career, relationships, and personal growth.
Moon Sign Ambiguity: While the Moon sign can often be determined without a birth time, if the birth occurred on a day the Moon changed signs, the exact sign may be uncertain without the birth time.
Aspect Angles May Vary: Precise angles (aspects) between planets can indicate specific dynamics and themes in a person's life. Without a birth time, the accuracy of these angles can be compromised, especially for fast-moving planets.