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Scorpio (16°Uranus22')
Adam Kinzinger
Sun Sign Pisces Moon Sign Scorpio
Monday, February 27, 1978
Birth time unknown More information about birth time unknown
Kankakee, IL, USA
41°07'N, 87°51'W
1622  astrolis.com
Uranus represents innovation, rebellion, and sudden change, reflecting your desire for individuality and freedom. The sign Uranus occupies shows how you express originality and unconventionality. Its house placement indicates where you experience disruptions and seek to innovate. This combination highlights the areas of life where you challenge the status quo and embrace new possibilities.
Scorpio is an interesting contrast to Uranus, as it prefers to lurk in the shadows while Uranus seeks to bring everything into the light of consciousness. For this reason, you are always testing the limits of your subconscious and finding new ways to explore your shadow side, which can lead to internal instability. This placement has the tendency to jump around emotionally, which can sometimes distract you from dealing with the deeper emotions that you are holding on to.

Still, your intention in doing so is to understand your inner workings with more clarity. Your generation will often revolutionize the way in which society perceives topics that have been considered taboo.


The specific angles that planets and other objects form with one another at the time of your birth can reveal much about your character, predispositions, and the potential timing for pivotal life events and lessons.
Neptune Semisextile Uranus  Uranus Semisextile Neptune
Pluto Semisextile Uranus  Uranus Semisextile Pluto