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All Planets

Natal Pluto Position

Adam Brody

Sun Sign Sagittarius Moon Sign Scorpio Ascendant Aquarius
Adam Brody
Birth Details
Saturday, December 15, 1979
9:52 AM PST (UTC-08:00)
San Diego, CA, USA
32°42'N, 117°09'W
Tropical Placidus


Libra (21°Pluto18') 8th House
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 12 2118  2118  astrolis.com
Pluto symbolizes transformation, power, and regeneration, highlighting your capacity for profound change. The sign Pluto occupies reveals how you deal with power and transformation. Its house placement indicates where you experience deep changes and seek to exert influence. This combination shows the areas of life where you undergo significant transformations and seek to uncover hidden truths.

When you were born, Pluto was in Libra in your 8th House. It moved into your 9th House on December 25, 1982 at 2:05 AM UTC and moved into Scorpio on November 5, 1983 at 1:09 PM UTC.

Libra is all about keeping the peace, whereas Pluto is most concerned with exposing the truth at all costs. As an individuals with this combination, you can sometimes develop an obsession with gaining control over other people. In your relationship life, you may subconsciously try to assert your dominance over your partner.

Even if your intentions are to bring about healing and new growth opportunities, this approach can feel extreme because you have no problem with throwing out the existing way of doing things in order to accomplish your goals.

With Pluto in your eighth house, strong emotional bonds are what you appreciate most in life. You strive to have control over your destiny. This is the ultimate sense of freedom and you fear having it taken away from you.

You can struggle to regain control when your autonomy comes into question. Your survival instincts are strong. That is why even when you hit rock bottom, you can rise up and prosper once again.