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All Houses

Natal 12th House

Adam Brody

Sun Sign Sagittarius Moon Sign Scorpio Ascendant Aquarius
Adam Brody
Birth Details
Saturday, December 15, 1979
9:52 AM PST (UTC-08:00)
San Diego, CA, USA
32°42'N, 117°09'W
Tropical Placidus

12th House Cusp

Capricorn (13°03')
1 AC 2 3 4 IC 5 6 7 DC 8 9 10 MC 11 1303 12 astrolis.com
This is the domain of the subconscious, solitude, and spiritual growth. It governs the hidden aspects of your life, including your deepest fears, dreams, and the secrets you keep from yourself and others. The sign on the cusp of your 12th House provides insights into your inner life, the unconscious patterns that influence your behavior, and your journey towards spiritual enlightenment.
Paradoxically, with this placement you may find your inner authority and sense of stability by getting out of your own way. There could be a sense of something holding you back in some way, which is just out of reach or difficult to connect with. Nonetheless, it has a powerful influence.

If you’re willing do the work of acknowledging any hidden fears or insecurity, you’re able to find a sense of mastery and open up to something greater than yourself. helping those who may not be able to help themselves is important with this placement.